Does AMP Help SEO?

Does AMP Help SEO

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is an open-source framework developed by Google to improve the loading speed and performance of web pages on mobile devices. With the increasing use of mobile devices to access the internet, AMP has become an important consideration for website owners looking to improve their search engine optimization (SEO). In this article, we will explore the ways in which AMP can impact SEO and how website owners can ensure that their AMP pages are optimized for search engines.

Impact of AMP on SEO

Faster loading times

One of the main benefits of AMP is that it can significantly improve the loading speed of web pages on mobile devices. This can have a positive impact on SEO by reducing bounce rates and improving the user experience. When visitors quickly leave a website after arriving, it sends a signal to search engines that the website is not providing the information or experience that they were expecting, which can negatively impact SEO.

Improved mobile search ranking

Google has confirmed that they will give a slight ranking boost to AMP pages in mobile search results. This is because AMP pages are designed to provide a better mobile user experience, which is something that Google values. As a result, implementing AMP can potentially improve a website’s mobile search ranking.

Increased visibility in Google’s Top Stories and Discover Feed

AMP pages are often included in Google’s Top Stories and Discover Feed, which can increase visibility and drive more traffic to a website. With the increasing use of voice search, AMP can help search engine optimization as it allows you to be discoverable by Google’s assistant and other smart devices.

Increased click-through rates

Another important factor that AMP can impact positively is the click-through rate, as AMP pages load faster, which can lead to increased click-through rate. Since click-through rate is a ranking factor, implementing AMP can potentially improve a website’s search ranking.

Ensuring AMP Optimization for SEO

Proper structuring and formatting

The first step in ensuring that AMP pages are optimized for SEO is to ensure that they are properly structured and formatted. This includes using AMP-specific tags and ensuring that the pages are free of errors.

High-quality content

Additionally, AMP pages should include relevant, high-quality content that is well-written and free of spelling and grammar errors.

Optimization of images and videos

Another important consideration is the use of images and videos on AMP pages. These elements can significantly slow down page load times, so it’s important to ensure that they are properly optimized and compressed. Additionally, images and videos should be used sparingly and only when they add value to the content.

Meta tags

It’s also crucial to include meta tags in AMP pages. These tags help search engines understand the content of the page and can improve its visibility in search results. The most important meta tags for AMP pages include the title tag, the meta description, and the canonical tag.

AMP vs. Mobile Optimization

It is worth mentioning the difference between AMP and mobile optimization. AMP is a specific framework and set of best practices for creating mobile-optimized pages, but mobile optimization can refer to a broader range of practices for improving the mobile user experience. While AMP is a good solution for improving page load times, there are other ways to achieve mobile optimization like responsive web design, dynamic serving and mobile-first indexing. Website owners should consider all of these options to best suit their site and audience needs.

Tracking and Analyzing AMP Pages

In order to track the performance of AMP pages and see if it’s positively impacting SEO, it’s important to track and analyze the performance of those pages. It’s essential to use tracking tools such as Google Analytics and Search Console to monitor the behavior of users on AMP pages, including the number of page views, bounce rates, and conversion rates.

Additionally, setting up monitoring in Google Search Console to track performance on Google organic search and investigate any crawling or indexing issues that may arise. Website owners can also use other tools such as Hotjar or Crazy Egg to monitor the user behavior on their AMP pages, this way they can have a better understanding of how AMP is impacting their site’s engagement, conversion rates and revenue.

Keeping AMP Up-to-date

It’s important to keep in mind that AMP is a continuously evolving framework and search engines are regularly updating their algorithms. As such, website owners should stay up-to-date with the latest best practices for AMP and make sure that their AMP pages are following the latest guidelines. This can include implementing new tags and features as they become available and making sure that the pages are free of errors. Additionally, website owners should regularly check their AMP pages for broken links or other technical issues that can impact the user experience and their search ranking.

In conclusion, AMP can have a positive impact on SEO by improving the loading speed, user experience, and visibility in Google’s Top Stories and Discover Feed. However, it’s important to remember that AMP is not a magic solution and that AMP pages must be well-optimized and technically sound to have a positive impact on SEO. By following these best practices, website owners can ensure that their AMP pages are optimized for search engines and providing a great user experience.

Role of Schema markup in AMP pages

Schema markup is a way to provide additional information to search engines about the content of a web page. It helps search engines understand the context of the page and can improve its visibility in search results. Schema can also be used to enable rich snippets and other enhancements in search results. This can provide users with more relevant and useful information, which in turn can increase click-through rates and drive more traffic to your website. When it comes to AMP, it is crucial to use the specific AMP version of schema markup, which is called AMP-specific schema. This can help search engines understand the AMP page better and provide additional information like the article’s author, publisher or date of publication.

Importance of content quality in AMP

The quality of the content is one of the most important factor for a website. Google has stated that one of the most important goal of AMP is to provide high-quality, relevant content to users. Therefore, it is important for website owners to ensure that their AMP pages include high-quality, relevant content that is well-written and free of errors. This content should be valuable to users and provide them with the information they are looking for. High-quality content can also help increase engagement and reduce bounce rates, which can have a positive impact on SEO.

Using CDN (Content Delivery Network) for AMP pages

Using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) can help improve the speed and performance of AMP pages by reducing the latency of the content. CDN works by caching the content of a web page on servers located around the world, so that when a user requests a page, the content is delivered from the server that is geographically closest to the user. This can significantly reduce the time it takes for a page to load, which can improve the user experience and reduce bounce rates. Additionally, by using a CDN, website owners can reduce the load on their own servers, which can improve their overall performance and reduce the risk of downtime. It’s worth mentioning that Google also recommends using CDN for AMP pages, which can help with the performance and fast delivery of the content to the user. Overall, the use of CDN can play a vital role in improving the speed and performance of AMP pages and, therefore, can help with SEO.

Using AMP to improve website’s Local SEO

When it comes to Local SEO, AMP can be a powerful tool to help businesses improve their search visibility. By having AMP pages on their website, businesses can improve the mobile experience and speed of their website, which can make it more attractive to potential customers. Additionally, AMP pages can be used to highlight important information such as business hours, contact information and reviews. This information can be displayed in the form of rich snippets on the search results pages, which can make it more visible to users and help attract more customers to the business.

AMP and E-commerce websites

E-commerce websites can also benefit from AMP as it can help improve the mobile experience for shoppers, which can ultimately increase conversion rates. AMP pages can be used to display product information, such as images and reviews, more quickly and effectively. Additionally, AMP can be used to create a faster and more seamless checkout experience for shoppers, which can improve the overall user experience and encourage them to complete a purchase. By implementing AMP on an e-commerce website, business owners can provide a better mobile experience to their customers, which can ultimately help to increase sales and revenue.

Multilingual AMP Pages

With the growing trend of multinational e-commerce and globalized marketplaces, it’s becoming more important to cater to a wider audience. One of the way to do this is to have a multilingual website. When it comes to AMP, website owners can also implement multilingual AMP pages to target a wider audience and improve the user experience for non-native speakers. By using hreflang tags and canonical tags, website owners can ensure that their multilingual AMP pages are properly indexed and displayed to users in their preferred languages. This can ultimately improve the user experience and help to drive more traffic to the website from a global audience.

AMP and Dynamic Content

While AMP is primarily designed for static content, it can also be used for dynamic content by using AMP components and custom JavaScript. This allows website owners to include dynamic elements such as forms, carousels and accordions on their AMP pages while still maintaining fast page load times. However, it is important to keep in mind that the use of custom JavaScript can increase the complexity and maintenance of AMP pages, so it should be implemented with caution and with the help of AMP experts if needed.

AMP and Paid Advertising

AMP can also be used in conjunction with paid advertising to improve the user experience and drive more conversions. By using AMP landing pages for paid advertising campaigns, businesses can ensure that their ads lead to fast-loading pages that are optimized for conversions. Additionally, by using AMP pages in paid advertising, businesses can track important metrics such as click-through rates and conversion rates to measure the success of their campaigns.

AMP and Email Marketing

AMP can also be used to improve the user experience of email marketing campaigns by creating AMP versions of email templates. By including AMP elements in email templates, businesses can create dynamic and interactive emails that load quickly on mobile devices, which can help to increase engagement and drive more conversions. Additionally, by using AMP in emails, businesses can track important metrics such as open rates and click-through rates to measure the success of their campaigns.


In conclusion, Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) can be a game-changer for website owners looking to improve their search engine optimization (SEO) and provide a seamless mobile experience to their users. With benefits such as faster loading times, increased visibility in Google’s Top Stories and Discover Feed, improved click-through rates, and a slight ranking boost in mobile search results, AMP can help to drive more traffic and conversions to your website. However, it’s important to remember that AMP is not a one-size-fits-all solution and requires proper optimization, structuring and formatting, high-quality content, proper use of images and videos, meta tags, and compliance with googles guidelines to truly drive results. Additionally, AMP can be used for more specific purposes such as Local SEO, E-commerce, Multilingual pages and even dynamic content and Paid Advertising. To sum it up, AMP can be the key to unlock the full potential of your website and take it to the next level in terms of SEO and user experience.

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